5 best things to do in morning


Hey everybody, you all must have been trying to be morning person if you're not already. Everyday you plan something but you don't execute it well and you give up on being a morning person.
Research says, waking up in early morning can make your day more productive. Here I have listed up few things on being a moring person and how to be organised for a day.  


  1. Plan a day night before
  2. Meditate
  3. Drink Warm water
  4. Exercise
  5. Healthy breakfast
  6. See the plan you have for a day

  • Plan a day night before 
To have a organised day, the very first thing to do is planning a day while going to bed. Whatever work or plans you have for next day you plan then a night before so that it will be easy for you to go accordingly and none of the plan will be skipped. Otherwise you will miss something which is importat to you. So its always better to plan your day from morning to night so that everything you decided will be in your list for next day. It will give you good feeling of finishing the tasks for a day.
  • Meditate

 Meditation is the best thing to in the morning. After waking up, give some time to yourself,  after stretching, just get out of the bed and meditate at least for 5 minutes. For meditation find some good ventilation place in your house, it will feel even fresh. Science says, meditation hepls to restart your your brain. It's a must do thing in the morning. Make it a habbit and see the amazing results, it helps a lot.   

  • Drink warm water
A glass of warm water every morning is very beneficial with lemon and honey into it. It helps burn  extra fats in our body. You can add half juicy lemon and a tbsp of honey to it to get more benefits of it. Lemon and honey helps to detoxify body and aids weight loss. It also acts as duretic and reduces throat and cough infection.

  • Exercise 
There are many types of physical activities including, jogging, walking, dancing etc. Exercising in morning makes your muscles work requires your body to burn calories. It improves you mood and helps to decrease your stress and keeps you active through out a day. Exercising also keeps you away from heart diseases. Now you may have a question why can't we  have work out in the evening ?
Working out in morning is more effective than any other time because our body rests whole night and our stomach is empty in the morning so it will be easy to exercise and best part is it will give you a good active start to your morning 

  • Healthy breakfast
Eating healthy in the morning keeps you energetic. If you consume unhealthy food empty stomach can cause varies problems like indigestion, constipation etc. It is very important to have well balanced healthy breakfast in the morning. Healthy breakfasts includes egg, oats, cornflakes-milk, plate full of fruits, so many options are there. The body need sthese essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.

  • See the plans for a day
To have a well organised day, it is necessary to check out the plans and important work you have for a day. It will save your time. Everyone should follow this specially who are less likely to finish their daily tasks. Honestly, having a list of plans for a day is the ultimate tool for the time management, motivation and organising calender. Well planning of day will also reduce stress.


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